We are currently out of our Ground Beef, but will have all of our Beef back in stock for shipping and deliveries next week.Thank you for your Patience!
A Work Day at Our Lady's Ranch

A Work Day at Our Lady's Ranch

Hello Everyone -

It’s a brand new year for us with a whole bunch of exciting new developments! A new look for the website, a subscription and referral program, and so much more. We wanted to start this new year of Storytime Blog posts by sharing a typical “Day At The Ranch”. After lots of heavy rain here in Northern CA, we finally saw some sunshine this past Wednesday, so we took the opportunity to spend some extra time with the animals, repair and mend some fences, and finish setting up some employee housing. It was a wonderful day of community prayer, work, and play.

two young men pet a jersey milking cow at our lady's ranch in grass valley, ca

 Keller and Mario pet Daisy (the milking cow) and her calf, Buttercup. Daisy nurses Buttercup during the daytime but is separated at night so that she can be milked in the morning.

two young men fix a structure at family friendly farms

Isaiah and Mario worked together to install a new roof over the milking stanchion. Now we have a dry area to milk Daisy, while keeping the rain out of our milk :)

young man excavating a hole for piping at family friendly farms

Joe excavated a hole to install a post for a new electrical panel that will power two new residences. He eventually hit a water line and got soaked by the gushing spray. It took a bit of holy indifference for him to surrender the situation to God. Then he retrieved some parts from the shop and fixed the problem without upsetting the peace of his day.

young man pushing a wheelbarrow of old hay against a big blue sky at our lady's ranch

Stevenson transferred some old hay to the garden for use as mulch and fertilizer. Nothing on this sustainable farm goes to waste with God’s designs that sustain the bustling life around here, including the reuse of refuse.

two young men meet and discuss at our lady's ranch

Isaiah and Keller’s paths crossed, so they consulted each other regarding the day’s tasks. Our Lady’s Ranch operates smoothly when we all communicate with each other to coordinate our community efforts.

a young man prepares a chick brooder at family friendly farms

Keller prepared a new brooder for a second group of broiler chicks that have just arrived on the ranch. We’re working hard to expand our farming operations to produce enough meat for our growing customer base.

a young woman splits firewood at our lady's ranch

Claire was splitting firewood with a hydraulic press when the machine pinched her finger (ouch!). But we got her all bandaged up and she continued her work with some vigor in her soul and a smile on her face.


We’re happy to share our community workday with you and hope it brings you a little light and peace.

Until Next Time… Blessings and Peace to all of you from all of us :)

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