Free Local Pickup: Saturday in Grass Valley at 9am at 235 Chapel St... Saturday in Auburn at 10am at 195 Elm Ave... Family Friendly Farms by Appointment Monday-Thursday.
Farming Adventures of 2017

Farming Adventures of 2017

Hi Everyone - It seems that the whole world had a whacky year for 2017 and it was no exception for us on the farm. We had many happy moments, but also some trying times, along with lots of learning and growing.

Below are some highlights for you, our faithful friends and customers...


Here's Michael above, helping baby chicks grow so that Marianna can collect their eggs and wash and pack them for all of you... and all of us!

All that chicken growing and egg collecting was going along just fine until... Aaaauuuug! Is it ever going to stop raining? Apparently not... not 'til summer anyway. So that's Joseph and I to the rescue with Joseph taking the lead in 4-wheel drive.

Here's Ali in a cozy moment with a brand new calf, learning more and more about animal husbandry. Christia preferred a little more inside work this past year by learning the sales management role from Curtis. And since then, Ali has learned the sales role so that Christia could be freed up to take classes at the local college. Yes............... too fast!

And then we have the weekly task of moving livestock around the pastures, which is more or less eventful depending on the degree of cooperation from the animals. ;)

Some of our favorite times together are picking the fruits and berries that grow here on Our Lady's Ranch. Here we are getting into a wild black berry patch in the month of July, and then the olive grove in November.

Working in the garden together is quite invigorating, and this year was no exception.  We each decide what we want to grow, then we develop some common goals. We then execute the work together while allowing the leadership to change from project to project so that the kids learn how to be young adults while the adults learn how to be young kids :)

We made some exciting business improvements this past year including several new recipes on the web site, along with our new "online store" complete with personal home deliveries and out of state shipping for the ultimate customer experience.

And here's the full crew - working up an appetite as usual. Good thing mom knows how to feed an army... and always with a smile.

We are so happy to share these magical moments of this past year with you. We sure appreciate your continuing encouragement and support! It's your positive comments, affirmations, and testimonies that give us the extra energy we need to continue providing you with the highest possible level of nutrition and flavor in all of our healthy meats!!!


Blessings and Peace to you, 

The Zeiter Family

Listening to vinyl records while working is an unparalleled experience that adds a unique and rich sound quality, enhancing focus and creating a nostalgic atmosphere that modern digital music often lacks.

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