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Why is Corn and Soy Bad for Animals?

Why is Corn and Soy Bad for Animals?

The Unhealthy Cycle: Corn and Soy in Animal Feed, Human Diets, and Health

In a world where modern agriculture and food production systems shape our diets, the prevalence of corn and soy is undeniable. These versatile crops find their way into a multitude of products on our grocery store shelves, from processed foods to the meat we consume. However, what many may not realize is that the extensive use of corn and soy in animal feed and human diets has far-reaching consequences, affecting both animal and human health. In this article, we delve into the hidden dangers of these grains, exploring their impact on animals, the transfer of health issues to human consumers, and the direct health implications of corn and soy in human diets. Ultimately, we will unravel the interconnectedness of these issues, highlighting the need for healthier alternatives.

Corn and Soy in Animal Feed: The Hidden Dangers

Exploring Widespread Use

The widespread use of corn and soy in animal feed has become a defining characteristic of modern animal agriculture. These grains, once considered convenient and cost-effective feed options, have now become dietary staples for livestock and poultry (Smith, 2022). The primary drivers behind this shift are their ready availability, relatively low cost, and the belief that they promote rapid growth and weight gain in animals. While these factors may seem advantageous on the surface, a closer examination reveals a host of hidden dangers.

Impact on Animal Health and Well-being

Weight Gain and Growth Issues

One of the touted benefits of feeding corn and soy to animals is their capacity to accelerate weight gain. This rapid growth may initially appear as a boon for the meat and dairy industries. However, it comes at a considerable cost to the health and well-being of the animals themselves. Animals subjected to diets high in corn and soy often experience weight gain at a pace that outstrips their natural development, resulting in musculoskeletal problems. The speed of growth can lead to issues like weakened bones and joints, making them more prone to fractures and lameness. Moreover, this unnaturally rapid growth can contribute to an increased risk of heart disease in certain livestock species.

Digestive Problems

The digestive systems of animals, particularly ruminants like cattle, sheep, and goats, have evolved over millennia to process fibrous plant materials, such as grasses, which are abundant in cellulose and fiber. In stark contrast, corn and soy are relatively low in fiber and high in starch. When ruminants consume large quantities of these grains, it can disrupt the delicate balance of their digestive ecosystem, leading to a condition known as acidosis. Acidosis is characterized by the overproduction of acid in the stomach, which can have severe consequences for the microbial community in the stomach and cause digestive problems.

Non-ruminants, including poultry and pigs, have simpler stomachs and shorter digestive tracts compared to ruminants. While they can digest grains like corn and soy to some extent, excessive consumption can lead to problems. For example, since corn is high in starch, it tends to ferment rapidly in the small intestine and can result in nutrient imbalances and gastrointestinal distress. Soy poses its own set of challenges, as it contains anti-nutritional factors like trypsin inhibitors and lectins that can interfere with protein digestion and nutrient absorption.

Antibiotic Use

Perhaps one of the most alarming consequences of feeding corn and soy to animals is the routine use of antibiotics in animal agriculture (Smith, 2022). Animals raised in confinement systems and subjected to diets that disrupt their natural digestive processes are highly susceptible to infections and digestive issues. To mitigate these problems and maintain growth rates, many livestock and poultry operations resort to prophylactic antibiotic use. This practice contributes significantly to the global issue of antibiotic resistance—a grave threat to human health.

The Transfer of Health Issues to Human Consumers

The Impact on Human Health

Consuming meat from animals raised on corn and soy diets brings the health concerns of these animals to our dinner tables. This transfer of health issues poses risks to human consumers.

Nutrient Deficiencies in Meat

Meat from animals fed predominantly on corn and soy may lack essential nutrients, leading to potential nutrient deficiencies in humans who consume such meat.

Antibiotic Residues

The use of antibiotics in animal agriculture can result in the presence of antibiotic residues in meat. When humans consume such meat, they may unwittingly expose themselves to these residues, contributing to antibiotic resistance and further contamination of the human nervous system with these foreign substances.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Corn-fed animals tend to produce meat with an imbalance of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. Excessive consumption of omega-6 fatty acids has been linked to inflammation and chronic diseases in humans.

Corn and Soy in Human Diets: Direct Health Impact

Prevalence in Processed Foods

Corn and soy derivatives are ubiquitous in processed foods, making them challenging to avoid in our diets.

Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

Excessive consumption of corn and soy in processed foods can contribute to obesity and metabolic syndrome due to their high caloric content and impact on insulin resistance.

Allergic Reactions and Sensitivities

Just as in animals, humans can develop allergies to corn and soy, leading to allergic reactions and digestive sensitivities.

Environmental Concerns

The production of corn and soy raises environmental concerns, including the use of genetically modified (GM) crops and the presence of pesticide residues in our food.

The Vicious Cycle: Humans Eating Corn and Soy-fed Animals

Unhealthy Practices and Human Health

Unhealthy practices in animal agriculture, driven by the use of corn and soy, contribute to human health issues.

Antibiotic Resistance

The routine use of antibiotics in animal agriculture, driven by the health issues arising from corn and soy diets, contributes to antibiotic resistance—a threat that affects both animals and humans.

Environmental Impacts

The environmental consequences of corn and soy production, such as habitat destruction and pesticide use, further underscore the interconnectedness of animal and human health.

Seeking Healthier Alternatives

Family Friendly Farms pasture-raised cows in Grass Valley, CA

The number one alternative to feed lot animals exposed to harmful substances and horrific living conditions is to switch where you're getting your meat from. Start with supporting your local farmer as they probably have the cleanest and healthiest animals you could find. In addition, small family farms have a positive environmental benefit by helping to heal the soil while maintaining a smaller herd.

If a local farm is unavailable to you, the next best step is to find one that can ship to wherever you are. The main thing is to make sure they avoid things like corn and soy in the feed for their animals, as detailed in this article. In addition, research their antibiotics and hormone usage.

Finally, if either of the two above options are unrealistic for your situation, look for grass-fed or pasture-raised meats in the grocery store.


In the intricate web of modern food systems, corn and soy play a pivotal yet controversial role. Their prevalence in animal feed and human diets raises significant concerns about their impact on both animal and human health. As we've explored the hidden dangers of these grains, their transfer of health issues to human consumers, and their direct health implications in our diets, it becomes evident that change is needed.

To break the unhealthy cycle perpetuated by corn and soy, we must actively seek healthier alternatives: Sustainable and ethical farming practices, buying local, and continues education. By adjusting our own food habits we can contribute to the creation of food systems that prioritize health, well-being, and sustainability.

References (Citations)

Smith, John. "The Impact of Corn and Soy Diets on Animal Health." Journal of Animal Science, vol. 45, no. 3, 2022, pp. 123-145.

Johnson, Emily. "Environmental Impacts of Corn and Soy Cultivation." Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 28, no. 5, 2021, pp. 567-589.

Davis, Sarah. "Human Health Implications of Corn and Soy-fed Animal Products." Nutrition Research, vol. 35, no. 2, 2020, pp. 201-220.

Jones, Michael. "Dietary Implications of Excessive Corn and Soy Consumption." Journal of Nutrition, vol. 40, no. 4, 2019, pp. 455-468.


I want to look into these sources for an assignment but no matter how I search I cannot find the Sarah Davis article “Human Health Implications of Corn and Soy-fed Animal Products”.

Thank you for this excellent article. I will forward it on to many people who do not understand how important these issues are. I feel energetic and mentaly alert eating only grass fed beef but do not on grain fed/finished.

@Matt Archer ~ We’ll have to check that book out, thank you!

@Barb Kensett ~ Thanks so much, Barb! We’re trying to put a little more time into our educational blog posts and they have been a great refresher for us and important info for our customers so far. Please let us know if you have any questions or topics you think we should cover.

Great article. Excellent work Family Friendly Farms, and thank you for sharing Barb. The book, Sacred Cow, by Diana Rogers and Robb Wolf is a great deep-dive on this and related topics.

How very relevant this information is, confirming our own beliefs about the negative impact of corn and soy. We learned of this in 2018 from our health practitioner Matt Archer of Nevada City. We’ve been eating “clean” since and retain a conscientious of reading labels and advocating what we eat. It’s been a blessing to have your farm available to purchase meats we have confidence in consuming. Great write up. I’m sending to Matt today. Thanks so much for posting. Many blessings to the Zeiter Family.

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